Admission Agreement
Provincial legislation requires that an Admission Agreement be signed upon admission. The Residents and/or the Resident’s Representative (POA) is agreeing to abide by the Long Term Care Homes Act, 2007, Regulations, and the IOOF Homes’ policies and procedures.
Voidable Agreements
An agreement between the Corporation (Home) and a resident or prospective resident, a substitute decision-maker of a resident or prospective resident, or a family member of a resident or prospective resident is voidable by the resident, prospective resident, substitute decision-maker or family member for 10 days after it is made. Long Term Care Homes 2007, c. 8, s. 81 (1).
Obligations Incurred Before Voiding
The voiding of an agreement does not relieve any person from liability for charges that were incurred before the voiding. Long Term Care Homes 2007, c. 8, s. 81 (2).
Powers of Attorney & Contact Information
Residents are encouraged to manage their own financial affairs or to appoint a Power of Attorney for Property to mange their assets or personal funds. A Power of Attorney can be a family member, friend or financial institution. It is prudent for every Resident who plans to reside in the Home to designate or have appointed a Power of Attorney for both Personal Care decisions and Financial matters for that time when they are no longer able to make such decisions and/or look after business affairs. The Home Administration staff will be happy to provide explanatory POA booklets and kits regarding this process. Attested copies of the most currently executed Power of Attorney documents of both types will be requested upon admission to the Home.
As well, the Resident Care Department must be advised of the Power of Attorney (POA) for Personal Care and/or a Resident’s next of kin, with names, addresses and phone numbers, to be contacted in case of changes in health status, or in an emergency. Privacy and confidentiality are maintained by releasing information only to the POA for Personal Care and/or POA for property unless directed otherwise by the Resident.
The IOOF Home asks the Resident’s Representative (POA):
to attend any meeting, at a mutually convenient time, for the purpose of discussing the welfare of a Resident or any other matter covered by this Agreement
to inform the IOOF Homes of changes of contact information of the Guarantor and/or next of kin, or persons responsible for the a Resident
to provide on ongoing basis appropriate clothing and footwear, prosthetic devices (glasses, dentures, hearing aids, etc.) and anything else, which is reasonably necessary for a Resident’s comfort and functional ability in the Home
to ensure that a Resident’s accommodations fees are regularly paid in full and in a timely manner
to respect the right and privacy of other persons in the Home and to treat those persons in the Home with dignity, courtesy and respect, and
to remove items of furniture and personal effects from the Home within 48 hours of a Resident’s date of discharge.
Ontario Health Card (OHIP):
On admission the Home will verify that a new Resident’s Ontario Health Card (OHIP) number matches with the information received from CCAC. The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care will be notified by the Home’s staff on the Resident’s behalf of the address change. A new card is usually issued and sent directly to the IOOF Home. The POA can either request to be given the new card or it can be kept in a binder in the Resident Care Administration Office.