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Residents' Council

Residents' Councils are truly important and make significant contributions in the quality of life for all Residents within the home. The Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home is fortunate to have an active, engaged, and enthusiastic Residents' Council.

We have worked hard to establish and maintain meaningful, strategic, and open partnerships with Residents. We offer ongoing and continued support and a respectful environment where Resident participation in the life of the home is truly valued. Combined, this enables the Residents' Councils to feel empowered.

By virtue of being a Resident of the home, all Residents are members of the Residents' Council and are encouraged and welcomed to attend and actively participate in the Residents' Council. Residents' Council are provided with support from the home to form, organize and maintain administrative matters, as required. The Residents' Councils meet on a regular schedule throughout the year.

The Home has a Residents' Council Executive consisting of Resident representatives nominated by fellow Residents. Family members, Home CEO and Department managers, or other individuals from the community may attend Council meetings by invitation only. Residents are encouraged to participate in Council activities. The Home provides a comfortable meeting room and seating for all Residents’ Council meetings. Attending regularly by invitation is a Program Support staff member as recording secretary.


We encourage and invite you to consider attending meetings of the Residents' Council in your home. Consider sharing your talent, skills and expertise (or develop new ones) - meet other Residents, make new friends, learn more about the home and long-term care - and take advantage of an opportunity for some fun along the way!

Council members have a number of responsibilities in the Home, including welcoming new Residents, participating in media events, thanking special guests and participating in Home committee work, evaluating programs, events and menu planning. They meet every month to address issues and concerns of importance to Residents and their families and recess for July and August. Council members inform fellow Residents about any changes in care or policies in the Home. The minutes of the Residents’ Council meetings are posted on bulletin boards throughout the Home. If you are not able to attend the meeting of the Residents' Council, the minutes are posted and available for you to read, and we would encourage you to take a moment to review them and see what type of activities the Residents' Council has been engaged in.

Through the Residents’ Council, and a group of dedicated volunteers a Tuck Shop is available to the Home Residents. Any funds raised through the Tuck Shop are redirected to the Residents of the Home through the Residents’ Council. Our annual Easter and Christmas Bazaars are an excellent source of income for the Home Residents’ Council. Donations have also been made in support of the LTC Home Redevelopment. The President of the Home Residents’ Council sits on the Resident Services Committee of the Board as well as the Continuous Quality Improvement Committee.

Suggestions, complaints or compliments are always welcome. Any formal complaints or requests from the Residents’ Council shall be documented, investigated and responded to in writing by the CEO or her designate within 10 days unless a verbal response is agreed upon at the meeting. For more information about Residents’ Council, please speak to the Director of Program Support and Volunteer Services.

Residents’ Food Committee

A Food Committee consisting of members of the Residents’ Council meets with Food Services staff after each Residents’ Council meeting to discuss menu ideas, recommendations and concerns. The purpose of the Food Committee meetings is to provide new and interesting information about the Food Services Department, provide an education forum for the Residents, and to give Residents an opportunity to participate in decisions directly related to food service, menus and dining experiences.

Purpose of the Residents' Councils


To act as a forum for advocacy and to support and to promote Residents’ Rights, autonomy and involvement in the decision making process.

  • To act in an advisory capacity to the Management of the Home.

  • To address concerns in a formal and timely fashion.

  • To act as a forum for information sharing.


To provide advice and make recommendations designed to enhance the quality of life, living conditions, maintenance levels and safety of all Residents.

To convey the preferences of the Residents to Management.

To educate and inform Residents of services, policies, procedures and resources.

Contacting your Residents' Council

We recognize that some residents may be uncomfortable raising an idea, issue or concern at a meeting of the Residents' Council or may be unable to attend due to other obligations. Alternatives are available. We encourage you to speak with a Residents' Council representative Our managers all have "open door" policies - feel free to drop in. We are here to help.

The staff resource endorsed by the Residents’ Council is the Director of Program Support & Volunteer Services

For further information contact:

Cara Chimienti, Manager of Program Support and Volunteer Services:

Telephone 705-728-2389 Ext. 389

Office located on Kempenfelt Court by the elevators

Ontario Association of Residents' Councils

The Residents' Councils of the Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home has full membership in the Ontario Association of Residents' Councils (OARC), Contact information for the Ontario Association of Residents' Councils is:


351 Christie Street

Toronto, ON M5G 3C3

Tel: 416 535-3718

Fax: 416 535-0055

Toll Free: 1-800-532-0201

